Dan Arkin

Residents of Gaza and Palestinian legal organizations demanded that the German government halt arms exports, citing violations of international humanitarian law. However, the court ruled that there was insufficient evidence for such decisions

Dan Arkin |

Currently, there are 39 “Adir” aircraft at the Nevatim Air Force Base in the south of the country

Dan Arkin |

Lately, the Lebanese navy has taken several steps to enhance security, such as constructing several observation towers along the coast

Dan Arkin |

The French Ministry of Defense told Reuters that the conditions for hosting Israeli companies at the exhibition are not met at this time

Dan Arkin |

Details of the interceptor are classified and will be released soon

Dan Arkin |

Rafael Grossi arrived in Iran this month for talks with senior Iranian officials to improve cooperation with the IAEA and discuss the work of UN inspectors

Dan Arkin |

Following the strike, Hamas sources reported that dozens of Palestinians were killed and dozens more were injured. The IDF is investigating these claims

Dan Arkin |

It might be worth considering a regional coalition led by the United States, the Abraham Accords countries, and relations with Saudi Arabia, which could help promote a political solution

Dan Arkin |