Dan Arkin

Elbit, L3Harris, and Korean Air join forces to integrate and deliver the next generation of survivable, high-altitude airborne early warning and control aircraft

Dan Arkin |

Regarding the hostages, the Cabinet gave the green light to the head of the Mossad, David Barnea, to continue negotiations with the mediators from Qatar and Egypt. Israel at war – week 11

Dan Arkin |

On Friday, the Houthis attacked two ships and threatened a third

Dan Arkin |

Last night, it was reported that the IDF began to flood water into tunnels in the northwestern part of the Strip

Dan Arkin |

During a test, eight missiles were fired from Apache helicopters of the advanced E model to test different scenarios

Dan Arkin |

At the same time, the Biden administration continues showing its support for Israel by requesting Congress to approve the sale of 45,000 tank missiles and vetoing a UN resolution

Dan Arkin |

“The Houthis are firing at ships with Iranian weaponry. This is an international problem,’ said the IDF Spokesperson

Dan Arkin |

During the current war, Heron UAVs are in the air 24 hours a day. The aircraft can fly for more than 10 consecutive hours

Dan Arkin |