Dan Arkin

Israel’s “Oron” Spy Aircraft Declared Fully Operational

The "Oron" is essentially a Gulfstream G550 executive jet equipped with advanced electronic equipment

Dan Arkin |

The American plan includes closing the border between Gaza and Egypt using advanced technological means

Dan Arkin |

The Canadian Parliament has decided to halt arms exports to Israel. However, some ministers have said that this is a temporary suspension and that ongoing transactions are being dealt with

Dan Arkin |

The training will include extensive long-range assault exercises, penetration flights into enemy territory, decision-making under wartime conditions, and surprise drills

Dan Arkin |

The militia’s weapons have a range of at least 650 kilometers and their drones can reach targets 2000 km away

Dan Arkin |

This is part of a national effort in the United Arab Emirates to develop local defense industries

Dan Arkin |

The missile, manufactured by Roketsan, is among the most advanced in the Turkish arsenal and is designed to target both land and sea targets

Dan Arkin |

These are small unmanned boats equipped with electronic equipment that sail using solar and wind energy. Larger vessels of this type are powered by diesel engines

Dan Arkin |