Dan Arkin

Rafael missiles, Elta pods, and Elbit helmets are among the components included in the upgraded version

Dan Arkin |

The missile was fired from an F-15C Eagle aircraft and successfully hit the airborne target, meeting all key test objectives

Dan Arkin |

The robot dog, Vision 60, is already fulfilling various tasks today in IDF units in the US Army

Dan Arkin |

The court determined that  Benny Gantz and Tamir Eshel could not face any civil proceedings due to their functional immunity

Dan Arkin |

According to estimates, the transaction volume is around $200 million. The acquisition will be carried out through Raytheon

Dan Arkin |

The private jet might have been hit by a surface-to-air missile or had been tampered with ahead of takeoff

Dan Arkin |

Russia’s war on Ukraine has served as the driving force behind Warsaw’s recent procurement spree

Dan Arkin |

The company signed an agreement with Atlas Electronics, a ThyssenKrupp subsidiary

Dan Arkin |