Dan Arkin

Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon said that since the civil war broke out in Syria, the Israeli government decided not to intervene, but to keep three red lines - sovereignty, chemical weapons and the transfer of weapons to Hezbollah

Dan Arkin |

The United States Air Force suffers severe shortage of aircraft, pilots, maintenance personnel and vital spare parts

Dan Arkin |

The Glonass navigation system helps the Russian Armed Forces to strike precisely terrorist targets in Syria

Dan Arkin |

762 mine-resistant, ambush-protected vehicles were delivered to Egypt by the United States to assist in the fight against terrorism

Dan Arkin |

The American Unit42 research unit from Palo Alto has managed to detect and expose a decade long cyber-espionage campaign which originated in Iran

Dan Arkin |

Turkey is building a large military base in Qatar, in which 3000 ground troops will be stationed, as well as air and naval units. The base commander will be a Turkish general

Dan Arkin |

FBI Director: "ISIS is using advanced and innovative technologies and is seeking to enter Western countries"

Dan Arkin |

Russia decided to closes one of the two runways at the Syrian Humaymim airbase due to deterioration of one of its runways

Dan Arkin |