Dan Arkin

"The IDF is one of the few armies in the world that is already completely digitized", declared Maj. Gen. (res.) Avi Mizrahi during a session held by Israel Defense on the issue of the digital revolution in the service of the defense establishment at the Bynet Expo Pro 2016

Dan Arkin |

The shortage derives from the airstrikes against ISIS; the Pentagon borrows bombs from stockpiles around the world

Dan Arkin |

Terrorist groups are stockpiling large quantities of explosives in preparation for attacks

Dan Arkin |

The number of exercises in Cyprus will rise in 2016, The Cyprus Air Force Commander visits Israel

Dan Arkin |

Iranian Defense Minister: "We claim on the basis of proofs that they are alive and captivated by the Zionist regime"

Dan Arkin |

According to Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the US wants to make her contribution to what is happening in Libya and remained stable in the forces

Dan Arkin |

"The threat to Israel by neighboring states has decreased significantly because the enemy has changed. Nevertheless, we must be ready to fight armies", says Director General of IMOD, Maj. Gen. (res.) Dan Harel

Dan Arkin |

"We need a network, a unified network of information to match the munitions to the different and variable targets", said IDF Chief of Artillery, Brig. Gen. Alon Klos

Dan Arkin |