Dan Arkin

Boeing will begin developing interior, power and electronic specifications for the next-generation “Air Force One” under a $127 million contract awarded by the US Air Force

Dan Arkin |

France's intelligence chief predicts ISIS will carry out terror attacks in Europe using booby-trapped cars

Dan Arkin |

In the coming months, Israeli experts will begin placing the advanced equipment along the India-Pakistan border and training Indian soldiers to operate them

Dan Arkin |

The UAVs of the Rokhev Shamayim specialist unit that shorten and close the fire cycle in the IDF Artillery Corps

Dan Arkin |

Thus far, Israel had ordered 33 F-35 stealth fighters, which will be integrated into the 'Network IDF' layout. Special report by Dan Arkin from Fort Worth, Texas

Dan Arkin |

The Americans are deepening their military involvement the Middle East: US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter revealed that for the first time in this campaign, Apache attack helicopters carried out attacks against ISIS targets in Iraq

Dan Arkin |

The systems are connected to the National Alert System, providing life-saving warnings about mortar shells and short-range rockets being fired at border communities

Dan Arkin |

US Air Force Chief Scientist revealed that in the future, F-35 pilots will be able to control a small group of drones flying nearby from the aircraft cockpit in the air

Dan Arkin |