Dan Arkin

The Iranian army unveiled a new home-made drone which is capable of jamming enemy communication systems

Dan Arkin |

Yaakov Nagel, the acting head of Israel’s National Security Council, will arrive in Washington for a final round of negotiations involving the new US military aid package to Israel

Dan Arkin |

Instances of planting of malicious software designed for cyber espionage in computer networks of some 20 organizations located on Russian territory have been exposed

Dan Arkin |
A high-level official delegation and representatives of several US defense companies will arrive in India next week. Lockheed Martin is expected to offer the F-35 for the Indian Air Force
Dan Arkin |

The Russian Krasukha-4 electronic countermeasure system deployed in Syria alerted President Erdogan of the attempted coup

Dan Arkin |

"More than 5,000 Europeans departed Europe to fight for ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Having been brainwashed and radicalized, they might initiate terrorist attacks in Europe," said Gilles de Kerchove, EU Counter-terrorism Coordinator, in a special address at the Second Intelligence & Special Forces Conference

Dan Arkin |

"I hope the Government of Israel makes a positive decision regarding the establishment of a port on an island opposite the coast of Gaza," said Israel Katz, Minister of Intelligence at the opening of the Second Intelligence & Special Forces Conference, held in cooperation with Israel Defense and the IICC Association

Dan Arkin |

The secret stealth RQ-170 Sentinel unmanned aerial vehicle was spotted making a low approach in Nevada

Dan Arkin |