Dan Arkin

According to the local press, test flights have already been carried out, and the next stage will be live armament tests

Dan Arkin |

Unveiled yesterday but with its location still under wraps, the base is reported to house fighter jets equipped with long-range cruise missiles as well as drones

Dan Arkin |

The $4.21 billion deal will also include also includes targeting pods, radios and relevant munition

Dan Arkin |

The US administration has clarified that no deal will go into effect until Ankara officially approves the accession of Sweden and Finland to the NATO alliance

Dan Arkin |

A source in the Ministry of Defense in Seoul told a local website that they are looking into the Sky Spotter, to help tackle drone threats from the north

Dan Arkin |

Iron Dome as a three-tier system, which includes a radar to track enemy ammunition, an advanced software that calculates the  missile trajectory, and the “Tamir” interceptor

Dan Arkin |

Will be equipped with 12 modern helicopters as of 2026. The new model includes a fully digitalized cockpit, advanced avionic systems and improved cargo management capabilities

Dan Arkin |

Six US Air Force jets have have already been temporarily deployed to the Nevatim aerial base in southern Israel

Dan Arkin |