Hezbollah and Iranian Weapons: What Is Really Happening at the Beirut Airport?

Sources in Lebanon have told the London Telegraph that Iran has increased the rate of weapons supply to Hezbollah through the airport

Hezbollah and Iranian Weapons: What Is Really Happening at the Beirut Airport?

Beirut airport, this week. Photo: Houssam Shbaro / Anadolu via Reuters Connect

Hezbollah is storing massive amounts of Iranian-made weapons, including missiles and explosives, at Beirut's main international civilian airport. Sources in Lebanon told the London Telegraph that Iran has increased the rate of weapons supply to Hezbollah through the airport, raising concerns about the growing influence of the organization in Lebanon and the potential for an Israeli attack.

The Telegraph reported from airport workers who are outraged that Hezbollah is mixing weapons supply with the civilian operations of an international airport. They recall that Hezbollah prevented a full investigation into the massive explosion at the Beirut port area in 2020, which resulted in the deaths of 220 residents. Hezbollah was accused of holding explosive materials at the port near residential areas.

In Hezbollah's weapon warehouses at the airport, there are Iranian-made FALAQ unguided rockets, Fateh-110 short-range missiles, ballistic missiles, and M-600 missiles with a range of 240 to 320 kilometers. Additionally, the airport's weapon warehouses contain Kornet missiles, large quantities of Burkan missiles, and RDX explosives, a toxic white powder also known as Cyclonite or Hexogen.

Airport workers reported that since the war on October 7, large crates have been arriving there. They noted that the second most important figure in Hezbollah, Wafiq Safa, head of the organization's security mechanism, frequently visits the airport. According to the workers, they are practically hostages of Hezbollah, and anyone who stands in the organization's way may meet their death.

The workers emphasize that only international intervention might convince Hezbollah to restore the airport to its status as a civilian international airport. They fear that the IDF will attack the weapon warehouses at the airport, otherwise, these weapons will be directed against Israel.


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