Tel Nof Airbase commander: "Every target we attack has a purpose"

"Every target we attack has a purpose, one that deprives the enemy of capabilities," said Brigadier General Dayan

"There is no chance that we won't investigate and get to the root of the matter. This was a significant surprise, and the data is still being collected," declared Air Force Tel Nof base commander Brigadier General Ariel Dayan.

In an interview with the Air Force website, Dayan said, "There is not a single person who doesn’t go to bed with a heavy heart every night. We are in pain; we get up and fight. There will still be time to investigate and learn lessons. Right now, we are focused on fighting."

Tel Nof is one of the largest air force bases in Israel. On the first day of the war alone, 1,600 fighters took off from the base to battle zones. "The recovery was quick," said the base commander. "We did not hesitate to use the most powerful tools of the corps, and we are not stopping for a moment."

Responding to a question about the identity of the targets that the Air Force attacks in the Gaza Strip, Brigadier General Dayan said: "Each target that we attack has a purpose  - one that deprives the enemy of capabilities. We are not a terrorist organization; the Air Force does not attack civilians. But everything that Hamas touches will be harmed."

The various aircraft at the Tel Nof base deal with a wide array of missions: evacuating the wounded, transporting troops, and attack and intelligence-gathering missions. The base is also prepared for developments in the north.

"We will continue to operate until we annihilate the Hamas organization and restore security to the people of Israel," asserted Dayan.

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